AEPS' News

AEPS First Team to be sent in Europe arrived

06-Jun-2023 09:23:44
AEPS First Team to be sent in Europe arrived and is ready !!
AEPS is starting a new activity. We have established a partnership with Thalang Technical College (Phuket) and several MROs in Europe to propose Aviation Professional to improve their background by getting EASA Certification. 
AEPS started to propose two programs. 
The first one is dedicated to young people who wish to be graduated in Aviation Maintenance (Mechanics / Painters etc), to follow Thalang program, then at the issue to perform an internship in France or UK with our partners to acquire European Standards, allowing them to work later anywhere in the world. This is open for now to young women and men from Thailand and Vietnam (Through our partner Work Global), and soon to other countries. 
The second is to provide manpower from Thailand / Vietnam to our partners in Europe with a double benefit : Benefit for the MRO which are actually lacking of manpower in Aviation Maintenance qualified people, benefits for the Mechanics / Painters from South East Asia who will get European Standard Experience and will be able to use this experience anywhere in the world. 
AEPS has always been a leader in aviation in South East Asia, promoting the improvement of local standards, gender equality and technical developments, we make a new step today in that way.
AEPS Thalang Website

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